Become a Patron

If you’d like to show that extra bit of added support, why not become an Official RMDS Patron? The only requirement is that you enjoy our shows!
The continuing loyal support of our Patrons is invaluable, so if you would like to add your name to this illustrious list, please contact us directly, or alternatively look for our Members & Patrons Desk at the next RMDS production.


What do you get for being a Patron?

  • advance notice of all our forthcoming shows
  • special advance booking privileges
  • invited to attend our social functions
  • receive regular copies of Stage Talk
  • invited to attend the RMDS Annual General Meeting.


How Much is it?

We leave the amount of your contribution up to you but, as a guideline, £40.00 is the annual subscription paid by our ‘playing members’.

RMDS Box Office

Book here for tickets to our latest show

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