Ringwood Musical and Dramatic Society are pleased to announce that we will be producing ‘Rumours’ by Neil Simon as our autumn play 2021 with performances during half-term break at Ringwood School Theatre from Wednesday 27th October – Saturday 30th October 2021.

The play is a hilarious comedic farce and is one of Neil Simon’s most celebrated comedies and here is how to get involved…

We are holding a get-together on Monday 19th July at 7:45pm for anyone who is interested in taking part, during which we will read through the play and discuss the audition pieces for each character. There are 5 female and 4 male roles to cast, in addition we always welcome any interest in off-stage roles so please do come along if you would like to be involved in any capacity with the production.

If you are interested in taking part, or just coming along to see what the society is all about, please contact the director, Bobs Guy, via telephone: 01425 472792 or get in touch using the contact form on the website to register interest or ask any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you there!